With this quarter, the total number of EVs registered in Quebec increased by 11.8%, which corresponds to a net addition of 9,061 EVs in three months, versus 8,249 in 2019. This is therefore the best growth rate for a year. , while the equivalent quarter last year saw a rate of 15.6%. In absolute terms, this is the best three months we have experienced, overtaking the second quarter of 2019 when the federal rebate came into play. For the annualized progression, the effect of Covid-19 continues to be felt with an increase of 40%, well below the rate of 70-80% that we have maintained for two years. In absolute terms, this means that there are 24,460 more EVs on the roads of Quebec in a year. Note that total vehicle sales in Quebec were approximately stable over the quarter and down over the year, so the EV market share continues to increase.