Meet our team!

Josée Lusignan

CEO-founder and communications

Ian Speirs

Influencer and ambassador network

Rock Poulin

Investor relations and philanthropy

Nicholas Courchesne

Business development

Adam is in charge of the relation with the investors

André Loyer

Marketing and strategy

John Mc Mahon

IT and Business process

Adam is in charge of the relation with the investors

Josée Lusignan

CEO-founder and communications

Campaign strategist for cause-driven initiatives, founder of Good4.Global, founder of the national NGO I Love First Peoples, and co-founder of the ONE Better World Collective, Josée is driven by an unshakable belief in the power of the individual to bring about a more sustainable world where there is equal opportunity for all.

Influencer and ambassador network

Ian brings 20+ years of successfully applying his sales and business networking expertise toward the establishment of transformative projects. He is the founder & global coordinator of ONE Better World Collective. As the cofounder of I Love First Peoples, he has led historic initiatives and worked directly with over 90 First Nations and Inuit communities. His most memorable achievement is having invited Mother Teresa to Canada and spent four unforgettable days with her.

Investor relations and philanthropy

Rock brings over 25 years of nationally recognized leadership in personal and group insurance, as well as financial and estate planning. Rock’s expertise is sought after by some of the most prominent business leaders in Quebec, and he is often called upon as a guest speaker at national conventions. Rock is a proven thought leader, bringing forth ground-breaking investment strategies in support of the philanthropic sector. He is well known for his dedicated community service.

Nicholas Courchesne

Business development

Nicholas is the CEO of GVGAC Enterprises, a firm specialized in international business development. From a young age, Nicholas has brought boundless energy and vision to businesses and ventures, transforming them into esteemed national and global brands. As former VP to one of the world’s largest weight-loss companies, Ideal Protein, he launched the national brand into heights of international success. To this day, he considers his greatest achievement to be The Ideal Way Association, a charity he co-founded in support of single-parent families.

50%     Years of experience

50%     Intention

50%     Vision

50%    Purpose

50% Years of experience
50% intention
50% vision
50% purpose

Marketing and strategy

André combines artistic vision with a high level of technical proficiency to bring about innovative products and concepts. In 1994 he invented the world’s first holo graphic virtual simulator, the Holo-Emulator, which led his company, Dimension 3, to become an IPO and North American leader in the design and production of holographic images. At the head of a creative agency powered by the science of lateral thinking, he conceptualized intellectual property and projects for prestigious international clients. Today, André lends his expertise in social and viral marketing, web community, e-commerce & affiliate programs to projects that promote sustainable development and local economies

John Mc Mahon

Marketing Creation and Strategy

Josée is in charge of the relation with the investors

Professional Profile

From infantry marksman to international business leader to two-time world champion athlete John brings a unique ability to apply a results-oriented structure to everything, from complex IT systems to the intricacies of daily life as a Peak Performance coach to top-level executives and athletes. As co-founder of GVG Enterprises, John designs winning strategies for businesses of all sizes, so they too can achieve their objectives and fulfill their greater purpose. John is currently VP of Strategy at Creative TRND.

50%     Years of experience

50%     Intention

50%     Vision

50%    Purpose

50% Years of experience
50% intention
50% vision
50% purpose

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